Welcome to Acticonfort
ActiConfort is a laboratory of custom foot orthotics and compression stockings. Specialized in home service, our orthotist of more than 30 years of experience is dedicated to the comfort and wellness of your feet.
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Departement for Health and Social Services permit 2103-7176

The foot

In most cases, the flat foot does not cause pain but the accompanying instability is often very problematic. Several pathologies in the lower limbs are linked to flat feet: Hallux valgus, calluses, plantar fasciitis, ankle instability and sprains, tibial periostitis, osteoarthrosis of the knees and hips as well as multiple back problems. Flatfeet can be congenital or acquired.

A cavus foot is a foot on which the curvature of the lateral arch is too high. This causes a lot of pressure on the heel and the metatarsal bones and an unbalanced gait. Many painful abnormalities will often accompany this type of foot such as pain in the forefoot and toes. Wearing plantar orthotics proves to be an effective relief for varied degrees of heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and repetitive ankle sprains.

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the fibrous covering of the tendon that supports the arch. The pain is more intense in the morning or when taking the first steps after a period of rest. The inflammation is located at the base of the heel and the beginning of the internal arch. This ache is common in athletes and people who work standing up. Wearing foot orthotics can help relieve the symptoms of plantar fasciitis by supporting the inner and outer arches thus limiting heel overload. Orthotics will distribute pressure under the foot, absorb shock and shorten healing time but will not replace stretching exercises which are essential.

The foot is the foundation of the whole body and is made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 ligaments. Its purpose is to support you, to absorb shocks and above all to help you move forward. It is our best means of propulsion and it has the capacity of supporting up to 3 times our weight. Thus, it is essential to return the favour; your well-being depends on it. Plantar orthotics are the perfect way to restore balance and fluidity to your gait, in turn, reducing the stress on your joints.